Tattoo applications are increasing day by day all over the world. In parallel with this increase, we encounter requests for tattoo removal more frequently.
Although there are many methods used for tattoo removal, such as surgery, dermabrasion or skin peeling with chemicals, the highest tattoo removal success with the least risk of scarring is achieved with laser applications.
Tattoo removal & Price in Ankara
To get a tattoo removed in Ankara or to find out the price, you can contact us at 0532 064 12 12 during working hours. You can send us all your questions via Whatsapp by using the form on the contact page or by clicking on the link.

Tattoo Removal
To get information about laser tattoo removal, you can contact us via phone numbers, WhatsApp or e-mail.
How to Perform Tattoo Removal with Laser?
Permanent tattoos are applied to the lower part of the skin. Laser beams try to reach the tattoo under the skin and break the ink into small pieces. Tattoo ink, which is broken into pieces, is removed from the body by the relevant cells after a while. Before the procedure, the area to be treated is numbed with an anesthetic cream.
The procedure is not very painful. Although not very common, blistering and crusting may occur in the area after the procedure.
How Many Sessions Does Laser Tattoo Removal Require?
Laser tattoo removal takes an average of 7-8 sessions. At the end of this process, laser tattoo removal offers a very serious success rate of 95%. It is difficult to predict exactly after how many sessions a tattoo will be removed.
However, the response received from the procedure after the first few sessions gives an idea on this subject. Because, all tattoos are different from each other and many factors such as which layer of the skin they are applied to, the properties of the paint used, and the person's skin characteristics have an impact on the success of tattoo removal and the number of sessions required. In some tattoos, the tattoo fades despite the number of repeated sessions; but it may not disappear completely.
What are the factors that affect the success of laser tattoo removal?
- Old tattoos and amateur tattoos are removed with higher success rates than professional ones.
- While black, dark blue and red tattoos are easier to remove, tattoos with color tones such as yellow are more difficult to remove.
- Tattoo removal is more successful in people with light skin color.
- Success is lower for very large, colorful and bright tattoos.
After Laser Tattoo Removal Session
After tattoo removal, we cover the area with a bandage and you can easily return to your daily life. Some tattoos may experience redness or crusting when removed; This condition improves within a week. During this period, your doctor recommends some creams and sun protection if necessary. During this period, it is important to protect the area from friction and not to remove scabs. Normally, there is no scar after the laser procedure; However, if the tattoo process has left a mark on your skin, you may notice this scar more when the color is removed. Your doctor will give information about this.
At For-Est Clinic, we use Q-Switched Nd YAG laser for laser tattoo removal. This device allows us to use it safely on every skin color and apply many tattoo colors.
Contact us for tattoo removal in Ankara and to get a price.
The preliminary consultation at our clinic is free of charge. The price varies depending on the person and the size of the tattoo to be removed. For detailed information and questions, you can contact us at 0535 457 84 99.