PRP means platelet-enriched blood fluid. A certain amount of blood taken from the body is separated into its components after being processed for a while when a special mass is centrifuged. The resulting “platelet-enriched plasma” (PRP) is injected into the person. PRP injected into the skin helps regenerate tissues by stimulating and activating stem cells in the area. With PRP application, it is planned to reduce pores on the skin, increase brightness, reduce scars and homogenize skin color.
Mesotherapy is a medical application based on the principle of injecting serums containing vitamins and minerals needed by the skin under the skin using very thin and short needle tips.
It is widely used for aesthetic purposes as well as for treatment purposes in various parts of the body. It can be used in anti-aging applications such as wrinkle removal and skin tightening, as well as in the treatment of dark circles under the eyes, cellulite treatment, regional slimming and strengthening hair follicles.
Dermapen is the application of sterile, thin and very sharp needles of different lengths ranging from 0.5-2.5 mm to the skin surface with the help of special apparatus and a micromotor. Thanks to these special apparatus, application is made to different areas of the face at different depths. For example, while it is possible to apply 1.5 mm to acne scars on the cheeks, it has become possible to apply 0.5 mm to the same patient in the same session for wrinkles around the eyes.
Golden Needle
Radiofrequency application is a method used since 2001 to rejuvenate the skin, reduce scars and increase skin firmness. Thanks to the successful results it offers, it is possible to say that this application is one of the most satisfactory rejuvenation treatments.
Youth Vaccine
Youth vaccination is one of the most curious skin rejuvenation procedures. Youth vaccine is a mixture that contains many products that renew the skin, increase its moisture capacity and firmness, and protect against skin wear.
In addition to hyaluronic acid, it contains various minerals, peptides and amino acids, antioxidants such as mannitol and organic silicon, DMAE and retinol, although it varies between brands.
Fractional Lazer
Carbon dioxide lasers were among the first lasers used in medicine. These are lasers with a wavelength of 1060 nm that have been used for many years in skin rejuvenation and acne scars. CO2 lasers have a peeling effect by evaporating water in the area where they are applied. In addition, it penetrates to the lower layers of the skin and creates a deep heat effect, thereby regenerating the skin.
Blemish Treatment
Blemish Treatment covers a wide range of diagnostics. Many diseases, from innocent sun-related freckles to melasma that may be related to hormones and even some skin cancers, are included in the clinical definition of blemishes, and their treatments are different from each other. Therefore, being examined and diagnosed by a specialist doctor is the first and perhaps the most important point of your treatment.
Tattoo Removal
Tattoo applications are increasing day by day all over the world. In parallel with this increase, we encounter requests for tattoo removal more frequently.
Although there are many methods used for tattoo removal, such as surgery, dermabrasion or skin peeling with chemicals, the highest tattoo removal success with the least risk of scarring is achieved with laser applications.
Mole Removal
In addition to the surgical treatment of moles, it is also possible to apply the laser method to the moles and get results. The application of the laser method in the removal of benign and unsuspected malignant lesions, which we generally call skin appendages, can be explained by the working principle of laser treatment.