Is Laser Mole Removal Harmful?

Is Laser Mole Removal Harmful?

A specialist physician will conduct a comprehensive examination to determine if laser treatment is appropriate for the mole. The most suitable treatment method will be determined after a detailed examination of the mole. Initially, the benign or malignant nature of the mole will be assessed, followed by the decision to proceed with laser treatment. Laser mole removal has a lower risk of scarring compared to other methods. The laser light does not directly damage the skin, thereby reducing the risk of infection. In most cases, once the treated area is fully healed, the presence of the mole will be unnoticeable. This is particularly advantageous for moles on the face. There are no adverse effects of laser mole removal on overall health. In rare cases, a skin tag may regrow. If this occurs, you can seek treatment from your physician again.

Post-Laser Mole Treatment Care

Generally, local anesthesia is applied before laser mole treatment. The laser beam targets the cells that form the mole, which absorb the light, leaving the surrounding skin intact. This approach allows for a faster recovery time compared to surgical intervention. After the procedure, your physician will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your skin at home. Initially, there will be a small red spot where the mole was located. The treated area will be covered, and scabbing will begin within a few days. After about a week, the scab will fall off, revealing a smooth surface. Any color difference will gradually fade over time. If the treatment area is on the face, patients are advised not to apply makeup until the scab has fallen off.

Hemen Ara